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WP Login Information

Here is the information for logging into your WordPress account: Website: https://www.iowaortho.com/wp-admin Username: iowaortho Password: (A**P3R&bwqp9OGwztEWASy6 You can update your password by going to Users >

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Preface and Warnings

The website for Iowa Ortho has been built to be 100% owned by you, the client. The site has not been “locked in” to any particular technology or server software. The content management system has been optimized with you, the owner, in mind. This means commonly-edited text areas and images can be easily edited or replaced. However, since the site is built responsively and has been tested on numerous devices, the current content structure is vital to maintaining the visual design. This means not all aspects are configurable through the back-end. Happy Medium will be happy to offer any advice and give you a proposal on additional design work after the original site launch.


The Iowa Ortho site is deployed using a versioned repository. This means that any changes by Happy Medium will overwrite any changes made on-server to PHP, HTML and CSS files.


The software used to implement the website may notify you of updates from various third-party vendors. Happy Medium recommends you consult us before performing any upgrades. Updating software after site launch may cause your site to crash or perform unexpectedly.

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Website Updates

Website Updates Unlike traditional forms of communication like print websites, are a living and changing document which require both maintenance and improvements after launch. Happy Medium groups post-launch website changes into three different categories: Bug Fixes, Content Updates, and Enhancements. Happy Medium provides bug fixes free of charge for up to 45 days after the site launch. Bug Fixes Are typical with software development. Bugs can exist within a system or a website for a period of time without being affected. Bugs can range from being Critical (affecting important functions of your site, rendering it unusable for some visitors) and Minor (affecting certain parts of your site which are less visible or visible to only you, the administrator). Content Updates Happy Medium has built your site so you can update the majority of content on your own through the content management system. However, if you wish for Happy Medium to update content on your site, we provide those services as content updates. Content updates are typically defined as: Copy changes Photo changes Adding/removing pages (pre-existing templates) Enhancements. As a website matures, it’s often necessary and advantageous to build out new functionalities or sections. These website enhancements will take the form of a more traditional website proposal that will include a timeline and an opportunity to view the site enhancements on a staging site before they are deployed to the production site.

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The first page you’ll be greeted with is the standard WordPress Dashboard page. Watch the video below for more information on the elements of the Dashboard page and WordPress navigation.

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Posts + Basic WordPress Functionality

Before we dive into the more specific pieces of your site, let's break down some basic functions of WordPress. In this video, we'll talk about:
  • The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor
  • How to publish a post
  • How to create a draft of a post
  • How to schedule a post to publish at a specific time
  • How to preview a post before you publish it
  • How to put posts in the trash

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Pages is an important areas of your WP site. As the name suggests, it's where you can access all of the pages that make up your website. To learn all about how your pages work, watch the video below.

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Media Library

The Media Library can be found under Media in the left-hand navigation column. It can also be accessed from the “Add Media” button that is found on the Edit Page screens. This is where you will find all the images and documents you have uploaded to the site. Learn more about the Media Library by watching the video below.

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Featured Image

Many types of content in WP have a section for a Featured Image. Learn more about what the Featured Image is, how to edit it, and what it does in the video below.

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In this video, you'll learn how to access form submissions on your site, ensure that notifications are going to the right place, and edit form fields.

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Learn how to find, edit, remove, or add Locations in the video below.

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Learn how to find, edit, add, remove Services in the video below.  

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Learn where to find, edit, add, or remove providers at Iowa Ortho.

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Success Stories

Learn how to find, edit, add, or remove Success Stories in the video below.

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WordPress provides you the ability to give people access to your WordPress dashboard, if you so choose. If there are people who you'd like to have in WordPress making updates and edits to the site, you'll need to add them as users. Find out how to do that in the video below. For quick reference, here is information on adding/removing users, and the different WP roles:

Add a New User

Add a new user by clicking “Add New” at the top next to the edit page title.

Remove a User

Remove a user by hovering over their name in the list and clicking “Trash”.

Edit a User

Edit a user by clicking on their name in the list.



Somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.


Somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.


Somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.


Somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.


Somebody who can only manage their profile.

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There are a few global settings, mostly found in your footer, that you have the ability to edit or update. Find out more about how to do that in the video below.

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Edit Your Menu/Navigation

There may come a time when you need to add or remove pages from your website. Learn how to do so in the video below.

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Yoast & SEO

SEO can have a big impact on how easily people find your site. To learn more about how you can improve SEO with WordPress, watch the video and read the information below.

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Shortcodes are WordPress “shortcuts” that allow the insertion of complex HTML elements without needing to write actual code. Custom shortcodes have been created for this site to aid in creating custom elements:


Use this shortcode to create a clickable link to an email address. You can include an optional subject line and body copy if needed. It automatically becomes obfuscated and less vulnerable to spammers.
[email subject=“Example Subject” body=“Example body text”]example@example.com[/email]


Use this shortcode to create a button:
[button url=“http://www.example.com”]Button Text[/button]


Use this shortcode to create a clickable phone number with proper formatting. It will automatically remove all non-numbers and reformat with the dividers provided. The default is a dash.
[phone divider=“-”]555.555.5555[/phone]


Use this shortcode to create a link to Google Maps with the provided address.
[address location=“123 Main Street, Pleasantville, IA 55555”]Directions[/address]


Use this shortcode to create a specified number of columns (between 2-6)       of text:
[columns count=“3”]Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text example text example text. Example text example text.[/columns]

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