Doug’s Story
Doug’s Story

In April of 2020, after a week of landscaping in my yard and around the pond, continually kneeling on dirt and rocks, I woke up one morning with extreme pain in my right knee and couldn’t even walk. I knew then that I needed to see a doctor.

Over the past year and a half, I saw two different doctors who were unable to give me any hope of pain relief without having surgery. I was not interested in surgery at the time because it wasn’t guaranteed that it would have made my knee any better, it could even continue to have the same amount of pain or more. I knew I wanted to avoid a total knee replacement as long as I possibly can. That’s when I heard of Dr. Scott Meyer at Iowa Ortho. My nephew is also named Scott Meyer so right away I knew that was a good omen.

When I went to see Dr. Meyer, I immediately knew he is a caring and considerate doctor. After getting an x-ray and a physical examination, he proceeded to aspirate my right knee. Joint aspiration is a procedure using a needle and syringe to remove fluid that is not supposed to be there from the space around the joint. After the excess fluid was removed, he injected cortisone (a type of steroid medication that can help relieve pain and inflammation) in my knee then sent me home with a list of exercises and stretches to continue my healing process.

Right after the joint aspiration and cortisone injection, my knee felt wonderful; it hasn’t felt this good in a long time. I could walk up the stairs with no pain and I was finally able to sleep through the night with no pain keeping me awake. It has really, really improved my quality of life tremendously and I’m extremely happy. I wish somebody would have done this for me a long time ago.

Dr. Meyer knew exactly what he was doing and he helped me return to my active lifestyle. Thank you Dr. Meyer!

Call Iowa Ortho today at 515-247-8400 to learn more about Dr. Meyer’s non-surgical treatment options.