I had been suffering from hip pain for awhile and the severity and frequency of the pain became much worse around May of 2018. My family had scheduled a couple of family vacations for 2018 and 2019 that I needed to make the most of. I have five grandchildren to keep up with so I worked with a physical therapist to keep me moving. I made it through the vacations with the help of nightly icing but got to the point that I needed more than physical therapy.
I started getting serious about a hip replacement and working with a local orthopedic clinic who did an x-ray and MRI of my hip. They confirmed I had arthritis, a torn labrum, and bone spurs in my right hip and was eligible for the surgery at any point. I had one cortisone shot in my hip and thought about the procedure for a while. As time went on, I was becoming more and more limited in what I could do with my grandkids and was having to sit some activities out and walking anywhere had become so painful. I knew it was time for a hip replacement.
As I was working to schedule my hip replacement with the local clinic, my 92 year old father-in-law, Roger, fell and broke his hip. Dr. Aderibigbe was on call at MercyOne Hospital and they brought him in to perform Roger’s hip replacement. I was SHOCKED at how quickly Roger was up and walking. He said he had no pain, other than the bruises from where he fell. Roger had a remarkable recovery that I wouldn’t have thought even a 52 year old would have experienced, much less a 92 year old. From that experience, I decided that I needed to talk to Dr. Aderibigbe about my own hip. After much trepidation and anxiety, I made the appointment and he immediately put me at ease in choosing him to do my surgery. Dr. Aderibigbe is confident in his abilities, which made me feel confident in him. He is humble, and has such a soothing and calming personality, you are immediately at ease with him. I never felt rushed through any appointment or consultation at his clinic or when I was in the hospital.
It’s been six months since my hip replacement surgery and I can truly say that I have my life back! I can keep up with the grandkids, walking farther every day and I am shopping for a new bike. The best part is I have NO PAIN! My other hip also has arthritis, and if the time comes that I need to have it replaced, there is not a doubt in the world that Dr. Aderibigbe is the person I’d consider to do it.
I’d also say that in hindsight, I would have had my right hip replaced much sooner had I known how smoothly the surgery and recovery was going to go for me. Thank you, Dr. A!