I decided to make an appointment for the Body Composition Dexa scan at Iowa Ortho as a starting block to my health journey. The BMI (Body Mass Index) measurement did not share enough information because it’s not calculated on a personalized basis. The Body Composition Dexa scan accurately determines your body’s fat, muscle, and bone density distribution, so you can target specific areas where you deposit more body fat. This was exactly how I wanted to measure myself for overall body health, so that I could figure out how much fat I needed to burn in my body to be in a healthy frame, based on my body composition.
Iowa Ortho had an extremely efficient operation for scanning body composition, so the test was quick and comfortable. I completed the Body Comp Dexa scan in 2018, and again in 2020. When given my results, I was surprised to see that although I was the same weight as my prior scan, my muscle mass declined. In the two years between scans, I had lost muscle, but still weighed the same! I wanted to improve this area in my body, so I reached out to a coworker that was passionate about fitness and health. He suggested exercises and foods to incorporate into my lifestyle to target this area. I love to go bowling, but other than that, exercise has not been a huge part of my life. I now compete in my own personal push-up contests, which has improved my strength, but also pushes me to meet new goals in fitness. I also love to cook…and eat, so cutting food groups was not an option for me. I chose healthy alternatives to my favorite foods, such as Halo Top ice cream and shrimp with low-calorie pasta.
This test allowed me to begin my health journey with direction. If I did not know my body fat distribution and percentage of where I should be based on my weight and height, I would have felt lost in the process. When you complete your scan, Iowa Ortho hands you a folder with your body composition results and a personalized action plan to maximize your muscle mass. I cannot think of a better way to begin my health journey, than with the Body Composition Dexa scan and Iowa Ortho. I’m planning my follow-up scan when I have lost a total of 30 pounds- which is close, so I’m excited to compare results.
Iowa Ortho is one of the few facilities in the metro offering the Dexa scan, which is a medical-grade scan that is recommended highly by medical professionals. The price is also unbeatable. One scan is only $19.99, and two scans are $34.99. To learn more about the Body Composition Dexa scan, call Iowa Ortho at 515-247-8400. You can also request an appointment online.