Questions on Direct Anterior Hip Replacement? Learn from the expert. Hip Health, Iowa Ortho, Service Information
Questions on Direct Anterior Hip Replacement? Learn from the expert.

Iowa Ortho hosts a patient webinar series to answer commonly asked questions on specific surgeries or conditions we treat. Dr. Aderibigbe was our first presenter for 2021, answering questions about the direct anterior hip replacement. Dr. Aderibigbe is a board-certified orthopedic trauma surgeon and Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. He is one of the very few surgeons in Iowa that specializes in direct anterior hip replacement. Surgeries or other procedures may raise a few questions. We’ve got you covered. Below are just a few questions our attendees asked relating to Dr. Aderibigbe’s expert approach on hip replacements.

What is the Anterior Hip Approach?

The Direct Anterior Hip Replacement is performed by entering through the front of the hip. Patients who experience groin, side of the hip, or buttock pain may be a candidate for this surgery. This approach was predominantly done by trauma surgeons but has now been adopted by more surgeons.

Who is a good candidate for an Anterior Hip Replacement?

You are a candidate if you experience pain during daily activities such as; going up the stairs or walking. I always look at my patient’s current health to decide if this procedure can be done safely. If a patient has a BMI (weight divided by height) over 40, we do not do elective (not urgent) surgeries.

How is this procedure done?

I go through two muscle groups where you don’t have to cut any muscle. There is very minimal muscle damage because muscles do not like to be touched, so that’s why we avoid cutting. Once we spread the two muscle groups, we are then able to open the hip and replace the worn out hip with the artificial one.

Would I be withheld from surgery because of my age?

My oldest patient I have performed this surgery on is 93. If you are in good health and in pain, then weigh your quality of life. After receiving conservative options like injections and anti-inflammatory medications or therapy, surgery might be your best option. Injections may stop working or lessen their strength as time goes on. If you have surgery at a younger age, then you may receive a second hip replacement down the road, but you are living throughout your life pain-free.

If you have any more questions about the direct anterior hip replacement procedure, please call Iowa Ortho or request an appointment online. Someone will promptly reach out to you. To learn more about the surgeon behind the direct anterior hip replacement procedure, browse through Dr. Aderibigbe’s page here.