Barb’s Success Story

I think I might be one of Iowa Ortho’s biggest fans! Doctors will tell you that when you have finally had enough and are ready for joint replacement surgeries to give them a call. That is what I did. As a former orthopedic nurse, I knew I had enough. It was time to get these bad joints fixed.

I’m a quilter, gardener and golfer – among other things, and I was getting to the point that I could not do any of them well. I was making weighted blankets and found that I could no longer lift the blankets to my sewing machine. In fact, I believe it made my pain worse. Golf was also too painful.

I had four joint replacement procedures over 14 months. Both shoulders and both knees replaced by awesome Iowa Ortho physicians. I had my first reverse shoulder replacement by Dr. Kyle Galles in November of 2019. Because of Covid issues, I had to wait until June of 2020 for the second one. I had my first knee replacement by Dr. Craig Mahoney in October of 2020 and the second one in January of 2021.

I am so thankful for these awesome physicians and their staff. I was well informed all along my journey, and I was so thankful for the improved quality of life! I was also glad to have a patient physical therapist who helped me regain my strength faster than I thought so I could to get back to my precious activities

I now find myself in need of another specialty physician at Iowa Ortho.  I am very happy to be getting relief from the treatments I am receiving from Dr. Benjamin Paulson for my carpal tunnel syndrome.  I am so glad I have things that can be fixed!